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Our professional events largely focus on personal development seminars and networking. These provide students with opportunities to foster relationships and broaden their knowledge about careers in accounting and finance.


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Graduation 2020

10 December 2020

On Thursday December 10th, we recognised our outgoing members and celebrated a successful year through our Graduation Evening. We were fortunate enough to be joined by Elizabeth Aitken, Partner at Moray and Agnew Lawyers, who gave a thoughtful and inspiring keynote address on Contemporary Leadership. Her words particularly resonated with graduating members as they prepare to embark on the next stage of their lives and careers, and it was a pleasure to have her attend and speak.


Graduating members were quizzed by Carla Wilkin, Head of Department of Accounting, to share a special memory or learning from their time with the chapter. It was fantastic to have the opportunity to hear what members found most meaningful from the program, and to reflect together on past memories.


It was also great to share the evening with our new members, and the 2020 Committee wishes both them and returning members a safe, happy and successful 2021! We thank all the attendees and speakers of the evening for making the last formal event of 2020 a success.

Connections in Professions 2020

26 October 2020

On Monday October 26th, our chapter had the pleasure of collaborating with Matt Gaffney, founder of Enindico, to host an exclusive Connections in Professions event for the second year running.


The evening involved a Q&A panel hosted by Matt and joined by Emma Rockey and Ken Weldin from PKF, Ryan Wagenvoort and Natalie Frazer from Westpac, and Frank Hinoporos and Nhu-Thuy Ding from Hall & Wilcox. Here, members had the opportunity to expand their knowledge of the Banking, Finance, and Legal industries and gain invaluable advice from the experienced panellists. The evening concluded with a virtual networking session where members could get to know the panellists and ask further questions.


A huge thank you to Matt for your efforts in the organisation and running of the evening, and to the panellists for sharing your time and insights!

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Deep Dive with Grant Thornton

14 October 2020

On Wednesday evening, BAP Monash members gained an insight into life at Grant Thornton in an exclusive Deep Dive informational event with the firm.


We were fortunate enough to hear from Keagan Driscoll (Restructuring Advisory), Tom Caldow (Forensic Consulting), Jacqui Ducza (Private Advisory), and Brent Patterson (Private Advisory), who detailed their roles and typical day-to-day operations, and spoke about the impacts of COVID-19 on their work. We thank them for sharing their knowledge and time to give us an insight into work at GT.


Additionally, we would like to express our gratitude to Jacqui Rennie for organising the event. We are appreciative of her assistance in organising the panel, and for her time in discussing the vacationer and graduate opportunities available at GT!

Leadership Day

24 September & 1 October

Over the mid-semester break, our chapter hosted a series of workshops to mark this year’s Leadership Day event. A total of four interactive sessions led by Josh Farr, founder of Campus Consultancy, centred around topics including Ikigai and Self-Awareness, Energy Management, Empathy Mapping and Selling Your Skills. Josh possesses a particular talent in helping students understand themselves and develop their skills to become the best versions of themselves. He delivered a series of incredibly engaging and insightful workshops which encouraged participants to reflect on their own strengths and apply them when selling themselves in a job interview or to overcome challenging situations. We were thrilled to have had the opportunity to work with him and are certain that every member gained much from his sessions.


Along with our own members, we were joined by the newly registered BAP Swinburne team, who celebrated Leadership Day as their first official event! It was a great pleasure to share the series with them, and we look forward to more collaborations in the future.


A huge thank you to Josh for running the sessions, and to BAP Swinburne and our own members for your enthusiasm and engagement in Leadership Day!

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Insight Into Suncorp

17 August 2020

On Monday August 17th, our chapter collaborated with Suncorp Group to gain an insight into the Banking, Insurance and Superannuation industry. Members heard from Paula Spence, Executive Manager of Compliance Delivery, who spoke about current industry trends in the Insurance sector, focusing on the impacts of the recent Royal Commission along with COVID-19. 


Following this, members had the opportunity to ask questions and hear from graduates in a Q&A panel to further their understanding of the career opportunities at Suncorp. Both sessions were extremely insightful and engaging, and we thank all the presenters for their time and knowledge! 

McGrathNicol Restructuring Workshop

2 June 2020

On Tuesday June 2nd, we were honoured to collaborate with McGrathNicol in holding a business advisory and restructuring workshop.


Centred around the economic impacts of COVID-19, the workshop gave our members an insight into the operations taking place in response to the current environment. Members also had the opportunity to learn more about McGrath Nicol and the industry through a Q&A panel.


Thank you to Nicole Jackson, Olivia Luck, and Rob Smith of McGrathNicol for sharing your expertise!

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Strategic Decision Making Workshop

21 May 2020

On Thursday, May 21st, our chapter held a Strategic Decision-Making workshop, where members gained skills in applying a holistic approach to identify and solve a range of business problems.


It was a privilege to learn from Tiago Devesa, who delivered an interactive and engaging presentation which challenged the mindsets of participants and gave great insight into the world of consulting. Thank you to Tiago for sharing your time and knowledge!

Ethics Workshop

22 April 2020

Our Ethics in Business workshop provided members with strong foundational knowledge into the importance of acting with integrity. Topics included how to implement ethical decision-making in the workplace and how to identify and manage unethical behaviour.


Members were also provided with a case study from the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking and Financial Services industry, to provide a realistic example of unethical behaviour and its consequences.

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BAP Oceania Regional Meeting 

17 April 2020

On the 17th of April, Xi Epsilon members had the privilege of attending this year’s virtual edition of the BAP Oceania Regional Meeting! While we were unfortunately unable to meet in person due to COVID-19 restrictions, Oceania chapters had the opportunity to remotely tune in.


The morning involved a keynote presentation from Deloitte’s Anna Cooshna, a Chapter Operations presentation from University of Sydney, and a discussion of future Oceania plans from Dr Fred Ng. The meeting also featured an Alumni Panel to provide members with an opportunity to hear advice from former BAPians and get inspired for their future careers!!


A huge thank you to the Deakin University chapter for hosting the Regional Meeting this year!

Pitcher Partners Professional Etiquette Workshop

30 March 2020

Our professional etiquette workshop, held in collaboration with Pitcher Partners, provided members with tips and advice for remaining mindful when entering the workforce.


Members had the opportunity to have their questions answered through a Q&A panel, and further enhanced their understanding through case studies to provide a real-world context.


Thank you to Pitcher Partners for a wonderful and insightful event!

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Grant Thornton Networking Night

11 March 2020

On Wednesday March 11th, BAP members joined representatives from Grant Thornton for their 'Get to Know the Business' Night!


We met with a number of representatives from audit through to consulting, and heard about what to expect through pursuing a career at GT.


It was a privelege to visit the Melbourne office, and we thank GT for hosting us!

KPMG Workshop

27 February 2020

Continuing our Orientation Week events, BAP members had the privilege of attending a student workshop hosted by KPMG!

While enjoying sky-high views, members were informed and provided a detailed overview of working at KPMG, their student programs and a mock assessment centre case study - all in time for the KPMG Career Launchpad in the following weeks! Students also had the opportunity to ask any questions in regards to the application and recruitment process.


Following this was held a networking session with various representatives from all the different service lines: Audit & Assurance, Tax & Deals.


An overall wonderful and insightful event - thank you to KPMG for having us!

RACE Orientation Day

24 February 2020

2020 started with a bang for our members with the RACE orientation day marking our first professional event of the year!


The day began with a presentation by PwC on the fundamentals of effective teams, presented by former Paralympian, Mitch Gourley, who offered us fantastic insights into implementing a framework to enhance the effectiveness of teams.


Following this, our members put their newfound knowledge into practice by participating in an escape room! This was an innovative and exciting way to test the effective team framework and the challenge was thoroughly enjoyed by all.


The conclusion of the day involved a discussion of our performance in the escape rooms, allowing members to gain insights into the strengths and weaknesses of their individual and team performance and determine what teamwork aspects they would like to improve upon in the future.

© 2024 Beta Alpha Psi - Xi Epsilon Chapter

Monash University

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