Reaching Out
Our reaching out activities extend to the wider community and promote the Beta Alpha Psi brand, within and outside Monash University. The Xi Epsilon Chapter collaborates with High Schools that have existing partnerships with Monash University to inform students of Beta Alpha Psi’s existence, sparking their desire to become a member once they commence University.

BAP Annual Meeting 2019 - Chicago, Illinois
8-10 August 2019
By Ellen Hawkins & Christian Morina
The 2019 Annual Meeting and 100th year anniversary celebration of Beta Alpha Psi took place in Chicago, Illinois this August. We, Ellen Hawkins and Christian Morina, were fortunate to be sponsored by the Monash Business School and the Accounting Department to attend the 3-day event on behalf of our Chapter, Xi Epsilon. The annual meeting brought together 300 university chapters from across the globe to connect, learn and celebrate all of our achievements. Beta Alpha Psi President, Alexandra Miller, kicked off the event launching this year’s theme, Inspiring Future Leaders to Leave a Legacy of Excellence, signifying the recognition of our actions today and how they will impact the future of tomorrow.
Annual Meeting 2020
6 August 2020
On Thursday 6th of August, the Beta Alpha Psi Annual Meeting was presented virtually to over 1000 participants worldwide. The meeting included keynote presentations from US Olympic Gold Medallist Laurie Hernandez, and Surgent Professional Development Senior Director Ryan Hirsch.
Along with the keynote presentations, a highlight of the meeting is the recognition of the various awards and competitions that take place each year. We are excited to announce that this year, our chapter was honoured as a recipient of the KPMG Gold Challenge competition!
The award is presented to up to 10 chapters, with recipients representing the top 5% of BAP chapters worldwide. The application for Gold Challenge is in the form of a 5-minute video presentation from the chapter, explaining how they have gone above and beyond and thus demonstrate the qualities of a ‘Gold Chapter’.

Oceania Best Practices Competition, New Zealand
20 - 22 April 2018
The international Best Practices Competition is sponsored by Deloitte each year with a global theme in which universities can nominate to present on three different topics. The 2018 theme was ‘Embracing the Opportunity’ and the topics were ‘Hands-on Engagement’, ‘Launching into the Next Century’ and ‘Branding Your Chapter’.
“This year’s competition was held at the Regional meeting in Wellington, New Zealand. It was a fantastic opportunity to meet like-minded students from across Australia and New Zealand. The aim of the weekend was not just to compete against one another but was to forge bonds, gain practical skills and engage with the community. We were fortunate enough to become close with students from University of Technology Sydney, University of Sydney, Deakin University, University of Melbourne, University of Auckland, University of Waikato and Victoria University of Wellington.


2017 Beta Alpha Psi Oceania Regional Meeting - Sydney
21-22 April 2017
The Xi Epsilon Committee were fortunate enough to attend the Oceania Regional Meeting at the University of Sydney. As a new Chapter, the Committee focused on gaining further insight into the Honour Organisation itself, as well as achieving a greater understanding of the crutial role each Officer can play in the development of the Chapter.
The two day event included the Best Practices Competition, where our very own Chapter delivered an eight minute presentation on the Strategic Planning component of Beta Alpha Psi - specifically how the chapter had progressed since the previous year and what the Chapter's plans were for future years.
Speakers from top-tier accounting and consulting firms presented on a range of different topics, including management consulting and the future of accounting.
Over the course of the event the Committee were surrounded by like-minded, inspirational people and formed long-lasting friendships with peers from other Chapters.
Multiculturalism in the 21st Century
29 March 2017
Beta Alpha Psi was fortunate enough to have Alison Richardson, a Senior Careers and Graduate Development Coordinator at Monash University, present on the importance of multiculturalism in a growing society.
We thank and appreciate the time that Alison dedicated to the presentation. Our members all took a lot away from this insightful event.