Alumni Q&A Panel
12 October 2021
On 12th October, we held our last event of the year, the Alumni Q&A Panel. We were joined by an inspiring panel of BAP Monash alumni, who spoke about topics ranging from their university experience, career and mental health. The Q&A panel was followed by a networking segment where our members were given the opportunity to connect with our alumni.
A big thank you to the panellists; Christian Morina, Hamish Purcell, Emma Pell, YiShan Neo, Emma Tibballs and Daniel Goodman for offering our members insight into both your professions and lives.
Lastly, we would like to express our gratitude to Matt Gaffney for hosting the panel and creating an engaging atmosphere for our alumni to comfortably share their experiences.

Leadership Day 2021
29th September & 6 October 2021
During the mid-semester break, members of BAP Monash participated in a two-part workshop series for Leadership Day. It was a privilege to hear from Josh Farr, the founder of Campus Consultancy, for the second year in a row. This time Josh guided our members through the topics of Growth Mindset & Resilience, Habits for Peak Performance, Mastering Communication and Adaptive Leadership. The workshops were incredibly engaging and insightful and encouraged our members to apply a series of techniques to develop, among other things, a growth mindset to assist in their professional and personal pursuits.
A huge thank you to Josh for your efforts in running the sessions, and to BAP Swinburne and Melbourne for joining this event!

National Consulting Case Competition
8th -20th October 2021
BAP Monash is proud to be partnering with McKinsey & Company alongside other BAP university chapters across Australia to present the BAP National Consulting Case Competition!
This competition was an amazing opportunity for our members to develop their teamwork skills whilst thinking of creative solutions to business problems. Our participating members received hands-on experience in management consulting and feedback from McKinsey consultants.
The finalists competed in the National Finals for a chance to win a mentorship from McKinsey & Company.
Connections in Professions
6 September 2021
Our flagship professional event of the year marked a huge success! This year, Connections in Professions is run as an assessment centre-style event, where members were separated into groups of three and were given a short time frame to prepare a 10-minute presentation. Tonight, we were honoured to have Dr Daniela Juric, Dennis Lee, Professor Michaela Rankin and Jane Kewin as our judges for the evening.
A big thank you to Dr Daniela Juric for hosting the evening and making preparations for the case study. Thank you also to the judges for providing our members with valuable feedback and insight into your professions.
Well done to the members who participated in the event James, Shue Wei, Sarah, Hannah, Kyle, Pavitra, Oliver, Frances, Laura, Dane, Avestina, Aidan, Tamanna and Shea. You have all done an incredible job and we hope the event provided a challenge.

Pitcher Partners: Women in Leadership
18 August 2021
Along with Beta Alpha Psi - Swinburne Chapter, Beta Alpha Psi - Xi Lambda, University of Melbourne, and Beta Alpha Psi - Xi Kappa, Deakin University, we held a ‘Women in Leadership’ event with Pitcher Partners
We were lucky enough to hear from a fantastic panel of women on issues surrounding gender equality in the workplace. Topics of discussion included imposter syndrome, work-life balance, daily routines and the future of women in leadership.
We would like to thank Tahlia Dunlop, Sarah Wilkie and Angelique Zammit for their insights and advice. A big thank you also to Stephanie for helping us put together such an engaging and collaborative event!
Getting to Know: Audit and Assurance with Deloitte
11 August 2021
On Wednesday 11th of August, we held a Getting to know Audit and Assurance event with Deloitte, where members got an insight into the various teams and areas within A&A as well as what it is like working within Deloitte. It was an absolute pleasure to hear from Malvin Prasad, Anthony Carydias, Prathi Samarakoon, Bhargava Cherukuri and Bomi Leeon about their experiences working in audit and assurances in various areas. The interactive networking session that followed was a privilege for our members who were able to ask questions as to why the speakers chose their area and what it was like when they joined.
Thank you to all the speakers who gave up their time to speak with us, and a big thank you also to Ashley Holihan for assisting us with organising this event!

BAP x Aced It!
3 May 2021
On Monday 3rd of May 2021, the Xi Epsilon chapter at Monash University held a professional event in partnership with Aced It.
We are very honoured to have Jake Hoh and Dean Mizzi present our members with a Career Workshop that delivered valuable advice in tackling the graduate and vacationer application process. Jake walked us through the four main career pathways that are available to an accounting graduate and clarified the key characteristics that recruiters look for in a successful applicant. Dean shed light on how best to present ourselves and the dos and don’ts in the application process. The session resolved many doubts and common questions that applicants have towards the recruiting process.
Our members found the event to be incredibly refreshing and there is no doubt that they will incorporate the advice given in their next application.
A huge thank you to Jake and Dean for providing us with such valuable insight, we look forward to working with you again!
BAP x Aced It!
3 May 2021
Get to know EY's Strategy and Transactions
29 March 2021
On Monday 29th of March, our members had the privilege of attending our first in-person professional event hosted by EY Melbourne, Australia! While enjoying sky-high views, Daniel Goodman and the EY panelists gave a broad overview of their Strategy and Transaction (SaT) practice as well as the EY recruitment process.
Dave, Abbey, Fiona and Nick from the Transaction Diligence (TD) team provided us with a detailed overview of the role that TD plays in the merger and acquisition of firms and the granularity of their area of practice. Abbey, a Senior Consultant, walked us through notable M&A transactions that EY had worked on while Fiona, the Associate Partner, informed us of the importance of data visualisation tools in TD. Sam Nichol, a Debt Advisory Consultant, and Tracey Lam, a Transaction Strategy and Executive Consultant were also kind enough to introduce us to the types of work that the Capital & Debt Advisory team and Transaction Strategy & Executive team deals with respectively. Our members were also pleased to learn the importance that EY places in the development of its employees through the provision of internal upskilling programs.
Following this, our members had the opportunity to engage in a Q&A and networking session that allowed them to speak with the panelist and other members of SaT.
An overall wonderful and insightful event - a big thank you to Daniel Goodman for organising this event and to Dave Lomax, Fiona Hutchings, Abbey Griffin, Tracey Lam, Sam Nichol, Nick Mulhall and Rivi Prathapasinghe for sharing your insight with Beta Alpha Psi at Monash University. We look forward to future collaborations with EY!

CA ANZ Presents: Careers in Accounting and becoming a Difference-Maker
16 March 2021
Last Tuesday was our CA ANZ Professional Event, where members gained insight into various careers options as well as how to become a difference-maker. It was an absolute privilege to learn from Anthony Takyi, Dean Mizzi, Steven Dodson and Piuli Samir on where CA and studying accounting can take you. The interactive questions segment allowed members to engage not only with representatives from various firms but also to learn about the CA program. Thank you to all the speakers for your time and insight.